Wallet Sign-up / Connect

- Visit MetaMask website below and Install MetaMask extension for your browser.
- Open MetaMask after installation.
- Click on the Create a wallet button.
- Set a password to protect your wallet.
- Follow the instructions to set up your Secret Recovery Phrase.
- Arrange the Secret Recovery Phrase in the correct order to verify it.
- Complete Registration
- Choose between Google or Apple.
- Click on Continue with [Google/Apple] and select the account you wish to use.
- Agree to the FaceWallet policies and click on the Sign up button to complete account creation.
Important Information
Unlike Web2 games, MapleStory Universe links all assets owned by the user to their wallet.- Both MetaMask and FaceWallet are not custodial wallets. Neither NEXPACE, MetaMask, nor FaceWallet can manage or control your wallet.
- To keep your assets safe, store your Secret Recovery Phrase (MetaMask recovery phrase) in a secure location where only you can access.
For more information about MetaMask, please visit MetaMask FAQs: Mastering Your Blockchain wallet.
※ After creating your wallet, please proceed to the [WALLET SIGN-UP / CONNECT > ◆Sign Up STEP 2: Link your wallet to MapleStory Universe: The Genesis and GALXE!◆] page and follow the instructions to complete your account registration.

To fully enjoy the content on MapleStory Universe: The Genesis, you need to connect your wallet (MetaMask or FaceWallet) to your account.
To enjoy MSU Quests, you need to connect that same wallet to your GALXE account.
Please follow the steps below to connect your wallet to your account!
1. MapleStory Universe: The Genesis
- Click Connect wallet.
- Click Continue with MetaMask.
- Sign and complete the linking procedure step by step.
- Click Connect wallet.
- Click Continue with FaceWallet.
- Choose between Google or Apple.
- Click on Continue with [Google/Apple] button and select the account you wish to use.
- Create an account in CREATE ACCOUNT.
- Sign the request.
- Create a 6-digit PIN code.
2. Connecting wallet to GALXE
- Click Log In.
- In the Sign in with wallet section, click MetaMask.
- Select the MetaMask wallet you wish to connect.
- Complete the linking procedure step by step.
- Click Log In.
- In the Sign in with wallet section, click FaceWallet at the bottom.
- Click on Continue with [Google/Apple] button and select the account you wish to use.
- Sign the request to connect.
- Create a 6-digit PIN code.
- Choose between Register Device or One-time Sign in.
- Complete the Recovery Email Verification.
- Complete sign-up to create a GALXE account.
※ Do you want to know why you need to connect your wallet on two websites? Please proceed to [MSU Quest > To receive MSU Quest points, you must connect the same wallet to both MapleStory Universe: The Genesis and GALXE.] page for more details.

- Download Chrome :
- Download FireFox :
- Download Edge :
Learn more about wallet

Wallets are an online storage solution where you can store and manage your digital assets. To use all services of MapleStory Universe: The Genesis, you must have a wallet.
The Importance of Wallets
- Asset Storage: Items and currencies obtained in the game can be minted and stored in your wallet.
- Ownership: All items and currencies stored in your wallet are your unique assets. No external party, including NEXPACE, can alter or damage the assets within your wallet.
- Functionality: Wallets offer various functions, including token purchases, sales, swaps, and bridges.
For more detailed information:
Important Information
For any transaction involving NFTs or FTs, your wallet signature is required. Without your wallet signature, no transactions can be processed. Always ensure to sign with your wallet when trading items.
※ Always double-check the transactions before you sign to make sure it is the transaction you intend to proceed with.
For more detailed information on wallet security, please refer to the [WALLET SECURITY > ◆Keep your private keys, Secret Recovery Phrase, PIN code safe!◆] page.

Do you want to check your wallet address?
Follow the guide below to learn two different ways to check your wallet address.
1. Through Wallet Extension/Website
- Open the MetaMask extension in your browser.
- Click your wallet address below your Account name to copy it for your use.
- Go to the FaceWallet and click Launch FaceWallet.
- Click wallet button on the top.
- Click your wallet address on the right of Ethereum under Your wallet list to copy it for your use.
2. On MapleStory Universe: The Genesis
- On the website, click Connect wallet.
- Choose between MetaMask and FaceWallet.
- Once you successfully log in, hover your cursor on your Account profile on the top right corner of the website.
- Click your wallet address below your Account name to copy it.
Did you know?
In order to connect your GALXE account to MapleStory Universe: The Genesis account, you need an EVM wallet address. An EVM wallet address is essential for using the services provided by Ethereum-based networks.
If your wallet address starts with 0x, it means your wallet is an EVM wallet and you will have no issue connecting your accounts.

MapleStory Universe services two types of wallets: MetaMask and FaceWallet.
MetaMask (Self-custodial wallet)
- MetaMask is a self-custodial wallet, which lets users have control of the private keys.
- The company (NEXPACE), the wallet service providers (MetaMask, FaceWallet), or any other entity cannot access the user's wallet and its assets.
- As long as the recovery phrase and private key are safely stored, the user can access their assets in the wallet anytime, anywhere.
FaceWallet (Non-custodial wallet)
- FaceWallet is a non-custodial wallet, which lets user have control of the private keys.
- The company (NEXPACE), the wallet service providers (MetaMask, FaceWallet), or any other entity cannot access the user's wallet and its assets.
- The user doesn't need to directly manage the private keys, as the wallet provider adds a security measure to the wallet to reduce the risk of asset loss.
Please consider carefully which type of wallet is best for you before making a decision.

Both MetaMask and FaceWallet support various blockchain networks.
FaceWallet supports various networks such as the MSU Subnet, Avalanche C-Chain, Ethereum, Polygon, and more. For detailed information, please refer to the official FaceWallet website below.
MetaMask supports various networks such as the MSU Subnet, Avalanche, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, and more. For detailed information, please refer to the official MetaMask website below.
Network profiles hub | MetaMask Help Center 🦊♥️
For FaceWallet Users: Please be aware that if you transfer virtual assets to the FaceWallet on networks that are not currently supported, the assets may be lost and recovery won't be possible. Ensure that you only transfer assets from supported networks.
Wallet Security

Please keep in mind that your private keys and Secret Recovery Phrase (MetaMask) and PIN code (FaceWallet) are critical for accessing your assets and approving transactions within your wallet.
- DO NOT SHARE your private keys, Secret Recovery Phrase, or PIN code with anyone. Sharing this information can lead to the loss of assets in your wallet.
- DO NOT STORE this sensitive information on your computer or in software applications such as OneNote, as these can be vulnerable to security breaches.
We highly recommend storing your private keys, Secret Recovery Phrase, and PIN code using offline methods such as:
- Paper
- USB drives
- Hardware wallets
By taking these precautions, you can better protect your valuable assets in your wallet.

In the event of wallet hacking, we will not be able to assist you.
Both MetaMask and FaceWallet are beyond the reach and not accessible by the game company (NEXPACE) or the wallet service providers (MetaMask, FaceWallet).
For further guidance, please refer to the MetaMask/FaceWallet FAQ or contact MetaMask and FaceWallet directly.
To reduce the risk of wallet hacking, please adhere to the following precaution:
- Always double-check the transactions before you sign to make sure it is the transaction you intend to proceed with.
For more detailed information on wallet security, please refer to the [WALLET SECURITY > ◆Keep your private keys, Secret Recovery Phrase, PIN code safe!◆] page.

There is an important piece of information to help you protect your assets.
When accessing services other than MapleStory Universe: The Genesis and GALXE with your wallet, there is a risk of someone obtaining permissions through your wallet signature and steal your valuable assets.
To protect your assets,
- Always ensure the URL is correct before signing with your wallet.
- Carefully review all permissions requested when signing.
These steps are crucial in safeguarding your valuable assets. Please keep the above precautions in mind whenever you use your wallet for other services.
MSU Quest

In order to complete any of the MSU Quests, you need to use the SAME wallet address for MapleStory Universe: The Genesis and your GALXE account.
If you connect a wallet for GALXE that is different from one you connected to your MapleStory Universe: The Genesis, our team won't be able to check the quest you completed.
What does this mean?
- We won't be able to give you any rewards for the points you earned for MSU Quests.
For your GALXE account, please be sure to connect the same wallet that you are using for MapleStory Universe: The Genesis.

Are you facing an issue finding your character on the MapleStory Universe: The Genesis Leaderboard even after you completed MSU Quests?
Please note the following details to better understand how the system works:
Update Delays for MSU Quest Completion
- The completion records for MSU Quests are not updated in real-time on the MapleStory Universe: The Genesis Leaderboard.
- Depending on the type of Quest you completed, completion updates may be processed in batches every hour.
- For those quests, there may be a delay in reflecting your points and rank on the Leaderboard, which can sometimes be mistaken for a bug or system error.
What to Do If Quest Completion Is Not Immediately Reflected?