Wallet Security

    ◆Keep your private keys, Secret Recovery Phrase, PIN code safe!◆

    Please keep in mind that your private keys and Secret Recovery Phrase (MetaMask) and PIN code (FaceWallet) are critical for accessing your assets and approving transactions within your wallet.


    • DO NOT SHARE your private keys, Secret Recovery Phrase, or PIN code with anyone. Sharing this information can lead to the loss of assets in your wallet.
    • DO NOT STORE this sensitive information on your computer or in software applications such as OneNote, as these can be vulnerable to security breaches.

    We highly recommend storing your private keys, Secret Recovery Phrase, and PIN code using offline methods such as:

    • Paper
    • USB drives
    • Hardware wallets

    By taking these precautions, you can better protect your valuable assets in your wallet.

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    ◆Protect your wallet from being hacked!◆

    In the event of wallet hacking, we will not be able to assist you.

    Both MetaMask and FaceWallet are beyond the reach and not accessible by the game company (NEXPACE) or the wallet service providers (MetaMask, FaceWallet).

    For further guidance, please refer to the MetaMask/FaceWallet FAQ or contact MetaMask and FaceWallet directly.



    To reduce the risk of wallet hacking, please adhere to the following precaution:

    • Always double-check the transactions before you sign to make sure it is the transaction you intend to proceed with.

    For more detailed information on wallet security, please refer to the [WALLET SECURITY > ◆Keep your private keys, Secret Recovery Phrase, PIN code safe!◆] page.

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    ◆Double-check the URL when you first sign with your wallet!◆

    There is an important piece of information to help you protect your assets.

    When accessing services other than MapleStory Universe: The Genesis and GALXE with your wallet, there is a risk of someone obtaining permissions through your wallet signature and steal your valuable assets.

    To protect your assets,

    • Always ensure the URL is correct before signing with your wallet.
    • Carefully review all permissions requested when signing.

    These steps are crucial in safeguarding your valuable assets. Please keep the above precautions in mind whenever you use your wallet for other services.

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