Make Special Name FAQ

    When will I be able to use my reserved name?

    Reserved names will become usable after the official launch of MapleStory N.

    Details on how to link reserved names with in-game characters will be provided in a separate announcement.

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    Can reserved names be bought or sold?

    Yes, you can now buy or sell your reserved name once it is minted as an NFT at Make Special Name.
    For more details, please refer to the Mint Special Name in NFT Announcement!

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    Can NFTs sent to the wrong wallet address be recovered?

    Unfortunately, any NFTs from this campaign (Make Special Name & Reserved Name) sent to another wallet cannot be recovered.
    Please exercise extra caution when transferring NFTs to another wallet!

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    What is the difference between the Make Special Name event and ENS or other domain naming services?

    "MapleStory Universe - Reserved Name" NFTs serve as proof of reserved names for in-game playable characters in MapleStory N.
    Please note that these NFTs are not blockchain naming services, which map human-readable names to blockchain wallet addresses.

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    Can I lose my rights to a reserved name?

    Please note that names that are inappropriate and violate naming policies may be revoked without prior notice.

    Please be mindful not to include inappropriate terms when reserving a name!

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    What are the costs for reserving a name?

    To reserve a name, the following are required:

    1. Holding NFTs required to reserve a desired name - Alphabet NFTs, Numeric NFTs, (and Length NFTs for 4-6 character names).
    2. Gas fees (AVAX) to process the name reservation, which will be fully covered by MapleStory Universe as part of this campaign.

    Next, if you decide to mint the name you reserved earlier, no additional fees will be required.
    We also provide a gas-less minting process, fully supported by the campaign, to ensure a seamless experience for Explorers!

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    Why can’t I reserve a 3-character name?

    As per the campaign guide provided in, names must be 4-12 characters long.

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    I want to reserve an 8-character name, but I don’t have an 8-length NFT. What should I do?

    Length NFTs are only required for names of 4-6 characters. For names of 7 or more characters, no length NFTs are needed.

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    How many NFTs can I hold?

    There is no limit to the number of Alphabet, Numeric, or Length NFTs you can hold. 

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    How many names can I reserve and mint as NFTs?

    There is no limit to the number of names you can reserve during the Make Special Name period.

    Additionally, there is no limit to the number of times you can mint your pre-reserved names as NFTs during this period.

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    Can I change a reserved name?

    Once a name is reserved successfully, it cannot be changed.

    Please make your decision with utmost care when reserving a name.

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    I entered the name I wanted, but it says I can’t reserve it. Why?

    A name cannot be reserved if it doesn’t meet the following criteria or has already been claimed by another Explorer:

    • Must be 4-12 characters long
    • No special characters allowed
    • Must be unique (no duplicates)
    • Must adhere to naming policies (no inappropriate names)
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    My wallet is FaceWallet. Can I participate in the Make Special Name event with it?

    You may only participate in the Make Special Name event with a MetaMask wallet.

    You can import your FaceWallet into MetaMask by following the guide in the How to import an account | MetaMask Help Center .

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    What happens to unused NFTs after the event ends?

    NFTs required for name reservation must be used or sold during the Make Special Name period, as name reservation is only available during this time.

    • Make Special Name period: 11/20 05:00 ~ 12/22 23:59 (UTC +0)

    For more information on Make Special Name, please refer to [Learn about Make Special Name] announcement.

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